Taking Your New Puppy Home.

We can’t think of too many things that can match the joy and excitement (and sometimes nervousness!), of bringing home a new puppy. We are here to support you and help in any way that we can. We believe that proper preparation is the best way to be ready to raise your life-long companion.

Once your puppy has been selected on Puppy Pick Day:

  • Arrange your travel plans to pick up your puppy at 8 - 9 weeks old. Fly in to Nashville’s BNA airport, we can meet your at the airport and you can fly directly home! When you puppy is 3 - 4 weeks old it’s a great time to look into flights, as they are cheaper the further out you can book!

 Once your Puppy is 4-weeks old:

  • Make sure you have their:

    • Food/Probiotics,

    • A kennel, bed, brush, leash, bowls, and other items like toys, and training treats. This includes working on a safe location for potty training,

    • You can also take this time to call your Veterinarian and schedule your new puppy’s first visit.

    • and Sign Up with Baxter & Bella, the Online Puppy School! We cannot recommend Baxter & Bella enough, they have over 75 lessons, hundreds of videos, unlimited one-on-one help and much much more! Sign up here and use code OLDSTONE for 25% off! Baxter & Bella Sign Up!

What do Old Stone Bernedoodle puppies come with?

Puppies go home with:

  • Puppy folder with newborn paw print, birth certificate, new puppy info packet filled with valuable information about enrichment, grooming, and training,

  • 30 days of FREE Trupanion Pet Insurance,

  • Homeward Bound Micro Chip and Lifetime Membership,

Some Tips

What to expect within the first few weeks of bringing your new puppy home?

  • Remember that this is a HUGE transition for your new puppy. Your puppy has just left its litter of fun, and wild, litter mates and his/her mother. Also, between 8 - 9 weeks, although puppies are a little more independent, they still need guidance and grace related to all the new things they are learning.

  • Our puppies have begun the potty training process but are still learning. There maybe some accidents, but remember consistency is key and getting your puppy on an appropriate schedule is a must!

  • For successful potty training, we recommend having the kennel by a back door. This allows for quick entrances and exits that will reduce possibilities for accidents in between leaving the kennel and making it to the backdoor.

  • Remember, that your new puppy is young and can still be susceptible to illness. We do not recommend taking them out of your home until after 12-week vaccinations and, even then, avoid things like dog parks, the floor of any vet office, the floor at the pet store, and any dog common areas where you don't know who has been there before you!

*Remember that you set the tone for your new puppy and they feel and understand your energy and will reflect that. If you are nervous and anxious, then your puppy will feel that way too. If you remain calm and in control, this will give your puppy security in its new surroundings.

Your new puppy is already bred to have a calm and even temperament, but it is important to continue to foster that in his/her new environment.

​The Greatest Tool for Success is………..


 It is the combination of a consistent schedule, discipline, and rewards that make a great puppy into an amazing dog!

We also recommend Puppy Culture - The Proof is in the Puppies!

You should be taking your puppy out to potty every couple hours (sometimes more often!), with ample amounts of play time and they should only spend 4 hours in a kennel a day. For the first few weeks your puppy may need be be let out at night for a potty break, but most puppies can go a full eight hours without a potty break.

Your puppy will quickly learn basic commands like sit, down, and kennel, but, again, this takes patience and consistency. It is easier to teach your puppy when they are younger; they are eager to learn and to earn their place in your ‘pack’ at home; it gives them purpose and position in your home.

​We are SO honored to be a part of the time, effort, and investment you are making on a life-long companion. Congratulations, we wish you all the best success!